i got a job ✸ getting a day job to support my art | cosy draw with me

I started a new job last week and no, it’s not art related, in fact it’s something I have never done before. So basically the job is an office support role, doing lots of data entry, manual edits and just helping out. I’m very grateful for this job which my friend helped me get, it has taken a weight off my shoulders just knowing I have a little bit of financial buffer and it’s going to be consistent income at least until the end of the year. By financial buffer I actually mean a bigger budget for my garden makeover haha oh and to help with the mortgage… yes the mortgage.

I have never made a living off my art. Never. The best year I’ve ever done was $20k in revenue which essentially means $10k in income for the whole year. And I have been doing this for a long time haha… ha. But it’s actually ok. I feel like I have a better relationship with my art now than I have ever had in the past. I’m not trying to chase a quick buck or learn a new skill just to create one product to sell. I’m trying to hone in on a few skills and make that work for me and my business.

Since starting this business 7 years ago I have gone in and out of offices as a graphic designer and in and out of cafes as a barista just trying to earn a bit of cash while still dreaming about making my art business my career. Every time I have started a new job, it was like a little admission of defeat or a wavering of doubt that I have for future self. I remember all the interviews I’ve ever had being asked about my business and saying “yes, i’m still working on my business” or saying “ideally I’d like to be part time to work on my business” or even downplaying it and saying “oh yea, it’s just a side thing”.

It feels like taking a job is the easy way out. Or like it’s a good excuse to say that I don’t have time for my business or my art. But realistically, I do need that money. Now that I have a young family, that extra cash is going a long way in terms of mortgage repayments, buying kids clothes, daycare, working on the house, and not to mention having an emergency fund.

Being a creative and studying film and design, I know a lot of creative people I know a lot of artists, and I know how damn hard it is to make a living from your art. When I see full-time artists share their life and journey online I know how much energy went into doing that, which I am nowhere near in terms of sweat equity, like nowhere near. I can only recall one of my friends going full-time with their art and I see her doing amazing things like installations, workshops, hiring staff it’s so amazing. I remember when we use to sit in her studio and laugh cry about how out of the three of us, I made the most money that month at $300.

I kinda forgot where I was going with this train of thought so this is a segue back to the beginning.

I guess what I trying to say and, mostly tell myself is that, it’s ok to have a day job. Having a day job does not mean your art is worth any less and it does not mean your dream is any less attainable. You are simply earning money to make your day to day life more comfortable, and that’s ok, that’s good! That’s necessary.

Just don’t let the comfort of stability impede your long term goals and dreams. Find a way to carve out new pockets of time to create.

Now that I’m working three days a week, I have no full days to myself anymore. Before this Ollie was is daycare one day a week but that gave me enough time to film and edit a video and do some drawing of course. Now I have to be stricter on nap times being my work time. Thankfully Ollie still naps for 2 hours sometimes three or four depending on how hardcore the playground was, so at least I have a little time to unwind before getting stuck into some work. Before all this, I would literally scroll on social media or nap the entire 2 hours. Sometimes I really needed it, but most of the time I didn’t.

My strategy now is to have my second coffee just before nap time so while I’m unwinding the caffeine is taking effect and working its way into my bloodstream for maximum output haha.

I’ve also analysed what kind of activities I can do at different times of the day. For example I can only film and draw during the day so I can have good lighting, at night I can write scripts, edit and record voiceovers. For things like writing and editing, I need an uninterrupted flow and finish it in one sitting so it feels like one stream of consciousness.

Anyway, so that’s my life update and how I try to manage my time now that I’m a working mum with a quote unquote, ‘real job’.

Tell me about your day job in the comments, or when you finally went full time with your art, I want to hear it all! The good the bad, the ugly.

I hope you have a really great day and rest of the week.

Till the next video, bye.


hard launch my secret project with me!